1. To initiate, carry out; execute, implement, aid and assist activities towards skill development in the Accounting sector in India (herein after called as "Sector") and meeting the entire value chain's requirements of appropriately trained manpower in quantity and quality on a sustained and evolving basis.
  2. To develop a skill development plan for the Sector and maintain skill inventory.
  3. To determine skills/competency standards and qualifications in consonance with the Sector norms
  4. To plan and execute training of trainers.
  5. To promote academies of excellence in the Sector.
  6. To establish a well-structured Sector specific labour market information system ("LMIS") to assist planning and delivery of training.
  7. To facilitate in standardizing the affiliation and accreditation process for the Sector.
  8. To coordinate participation of social partners, employers- in the private/Public sector, training providers, professional societies and NGOs/civil society groups in the process of skill development for the Sector.
  9. To identify the skill development needs of the Sector, review international trends in Sector skill development and identify Sector skill gaps and technology.
  10. To do and undertake the task of educational and vocational skill upgrade for the Sector.
  11. Conceiving, formulating, undertaking, conducting, fostering, aiding, promoting and providing facilities for promoting core, fundamental, empirical, applied and other kinds of research work and projects and studies, either on its own or jointly or in collaboration with or at the instance of other persons and entities for the benefits of the sector.
  12. Conceiving, organizing, holding, conducting and sponsoring training programmes, study courses, lectures, meetings, workshops, seminars, conferences and-symposia either on its own or jointly or at the instance of other persons and entities.
  13. Conceiving, preparing, bringing out, printing and publishing either on its own or through or in collaboration with other persons and entities, papers, periodicals, magazines, books, journals, either through print or any other media.
  14. Starting, establishing, running, maintaining and providing library and electronic database and exchange facilities and other Information services.
  15. To organize, conduct and provide education and training programme, courses and classes for academic, vocational and competitive examinations.
  16. None of the Objects of the Company shall be carried out on commercial basis.
  17. No objects of the company shall be carried out without obtaining prior permission of competent authorities whenever required and/or prescribed.